'Enjoy with our latest collection of Funny Hilarious Office Quotations and Sayings. No matters, whether you're and employee or employer, you gonna have good time while reading them'

Most important - Make my designation as confusing as my job description!
You've been great in firing all employees of my company, Here is your reward - Your own termination letter!
My company's performance is purely dependent on my mood!
Scam.. I think it's a great example of teamwork and the spirit of 'I Can'
On the other hand, management views your salary as glass that's not half-empty but half-full.
A boo sis such a perfectionist that he proof-checks printed brochures before making his presentations to new clients every-time!
you wanted a challenging position and I gave it to you... What can I do if you now find it financially challenging.
Boss willing, the contract will be yours!
Free system looks logical but what's the problem in continuing with this mindlessly simple system of agency commission.
Have you ever consider a career option in the image change business.
There is nothing wrong sir! I am just trying to set the right ambiance to study the management classic recommended by you!
Yes, I did believe in life after death till the management declared me a deadwood.!
Just writing a good speech is not enough.. You must also ensure good number of people to applaud at the right place.
What I am looking for is..a low-wage island.
That's called innovation. A real life story with 100% comedy.
Our senior managers must be looking a younger lot - with all these bills of hair-weaving and hair dyeing on their expenses account.
The day that film star comes to your constituency to campaign for your rival. We will run his latest movie on the local cable.
Now cellphone tariffs are tailor-made for people like us.. who don't use their out trays!
REport from quality control boss.. all your decisions have been graded as bad quality!

Most important - Make my designation as confusing as my job description!
You've been great in firing all employees of my company, Here is your reward - Your own termination letter!
My company's performance is purely dependent on my mood!
Scam.. I think it's a great example of teamwork and the spirit of 'I Can'
On the other hand, management views your salary as glass that's not half-empty but half-full.
A boo sis such a perfectionist that he proof-checks printed brochures before making his presentations to new clients every-time!
you wanted a challenging position and I gave it to you... What can I do if you now find it financially challenging.
Boss willing, the contract will be yours!
Free system looks logical but what's the problem in continuing with this mindlessly simple system of agency commission.
Have you ever consider a career option in the image change business.
There is nothing wrong sir! I am just trying to set the right ambiance to study the management classic recommended by you!
Yes, I did believe in life after death till the management declared me a deadwood.!
Just writing a good speech is not enough.. You must also ensure good number of people to applaud at the right place.
What I am looking for is..a low-wage island.
That's called innovation. A real life story with 100% comedy.
Our senior managers must be looking a younger lot - with all these bills of hair-weaving and hair dyeing on their expenses account.
The day that film star comes to your constituency to campaign for your rival. We will run his latest movie on the local cable.
Now cellphone tariffs are tailor-made for people like us.. who don't use their out trays!
REport from quality control boss.. all your decisions have been graded as bad quality!
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