Corona Virus Funny Jokes and Quotes

The 2020 year has bad news of spreading these killing Corona virus worldwide. It is killing people and spreading like so fast. All Countries governments are taking crucial steps, doing lock down and other necessary steps to stop it.

Life is life so here we are sharing some funny quotes and jokes to cheer you up.. Take it as a joke only....take it easy..

Corona is not gonna live long because it is made in Chi...... LOL

The only Corona I have is that comes with a slice of Lime and ice..

I think you need Antibiotic because It's a VIRUS...

When you have sudden urge to travel.... Think again - Corona is calling you!!! :))((

Life has become HELL by this Virus.. out of 12 hours, we have spend 5 hours in washing hands...

Hand-Sanitizer is that forgotten member medical family, but now due to virus, its demand it like crazy..
